My struggles contain the seeds of inspiration and empowerment.
Approaching pain and isolation within myself with curiosity and love is the way to heal, recover, connect and find happiness.
I limit my experience of the world when I put too much focus on the logical and the practical. When I do this I invalidate the subtle messages, signals and knowledge that come from my other senses and my intuition. Wisdom is being open to all ways of knowing.
Harmony in life is achieved through balance; balancing the need to heal and connect through truth-telling with the need for security, safety and prosperity. We still live in a world where diversity and difference is invalidated.
The quiet awareness that exists behind all the congestion and traffic of thinking, feeling and sensing is the foundation for remaining grounded and connected within myself.
I am empowered when my true self comes forward. The world benefits when I lean in. All the wildness and magic that exists within me is meant to be shared.